For the New Year, I am swearing off of blogging. I think I've ranted, raved and shared enough with the world in general. It's been therapeutic, and I'm glad I did it, but it's time to bring it to an end.
Those of you that I've met through this site, I'll stay in touch with you on FB, and I'll still be reading and lurking on your blogs. You all are gifted writers, and I enjoy your insights.
Blessings, and have a wonderful 2010!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Realizing How Blessed I Am
We celebrated my parent's 50th wedding anniversary last weekend. While mom and dad didn't really care for all of the attention, they loved being able to see old friends and sit around discussing their stories they had with each other. Some stories I had heard dozens of times (which I love...those stories become the fabric of my children's history as well) but there were a few I had not heard, either. I had forgotten about going to Detroit to be in my Aunt and Uncle's wedding, and about putting my foot in the center of a cake when I was little. That's the joy of having family around. You get to recall more of your childhood. Collective memory is so much more accurate than a single memory!
But as I was there, I was looking around at my kids and my husband, and realized how blessed I am. Em jumped in to serve punch and cake to those that were there. Tim, Timothy and Christopher helped set up chairs and tables and decorate before the big event. Nathaniel welcomed people to the event and acted like such a little gentleman, introducing himself to people and just being a good host. Tim had people in stitches, which is usually the case, and everyone had a wonderful time.
Seeing everyone together, it was easy to see the mannerisms and humor that has been passed down through the generations, even though we've not lived around each other that much.
On almost every account, family is a blessing that should be valued and cherished. I am blessed.
But as I was there, I was looking around at my kids and my husband, and realized how blessed I am. Em jumped in to serve punch and cake to those that were there. Tim, Timothy and Christopher helped set up chairs and tables and decorate before the big event. Nathaniel welcomed people to the event and acted like such a little gentleman, introducing himself to people and just being a good host. Tim had people in stitches, which is usually the case, and everyone had a wonderful time.
Seeing everyone together, it was easy to see the mannerisms and humor that has been passed down through the generations, even though we've not lived around each other that much.
On almost every account, family is a blessing that should be valued and cherished. I am blessed.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
50 Years
Mom and dad are celebrating their 50 year wedding anniversary this Saturday. Wow.
I have such wonderful memories growing up in the house that they built. The house was always warm and welcoming. We always felt secure. Mom and dad were a united front, and we knew it. If we were dealing with one, we were dealing with them both. And dad had the best ways of celebrating mom's birthday. One year, he bought some empty capsules from the pharmacist, and typed out 52 messages and put one in each capsule. Every week after Sunday dinner, mom would get to open one capsule, and it would be a gift from dad: he would make the beds for that week, or cook meals. But there was also her sapphire ring, necklace and earrings in there, too. It was the gift that gave all year long, and we loved it!
There was a lot of laughter in their home, and there still is. They always have funny stories to share. And they don't take themselves too seriously. They enjoy life. And they enjoy it together.
God has blessed their faithfulness with long and happy lives, with much more to spare. And their children have risen up and called them blessed.
I have such wonderful memories growing up in the house that they built. The house was always warm and welcoming. We always felt secure. Mom and dad were a united front, and we knew it. If we were dealing with one, we were dealing with them both. And dad had the best ways of celebrating mom's birthday. One year, he bought some empty capsules from the pharmacist, and typed out 52 messages and put one in each capsule. Every week after Sunday dinner, mom would get to open one capsule, and it would be a gift from dad: he would make the beds for that week, or cook meals. But there was also her sapphire ring, necklace and earrings in there, too. It was the gift that gave all year long, and we loved it!
There was a lot of laughter in their home, and there still is. They always have funny stories to share. And they don't take themselves too seriously. They enjoy life. And they enjoy it together.
God has blessed their faithfulness with long and happy lives, with much more to spare. And their children have risen up and called them blessed.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
28 Degrees
Yes, that's the current temperature.
Thank God for heaters and fireplaces. And hot chocolate.
Thank God for heaters and fireplaces. And hot chocolate.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Baby Girl turned 20!
Wow. My mind just can't grasp the concept. It was just a little while ago that she was born. I remember the first time I heard her crying desperately, and I couldn't get to her fast enough. I picked her up, and she immediately stopped crying. I just held her and said to myself, "I love her so much!" It was a true bonding moment.
Em has lived so much in her two decades. She was in the paper when she was in elementary school for being the friend to an autistic girl in her class. Em helped her with her language board and played with her at recess. When she was in second grade, she hand drew valentine cards for her entire class. I didn't even know she did it until she was putting them in her backpack the night before.
She loves animals. We used to watch Wild America on PBS, and she could name every animal in the opening credits. She would even say, "That's a Marty Stauffer."
Em has always been a good and loyal friend. That has had it's ups and downs, especially in middle school. She tended to be in the position of being used, because they always knew she would be there. But it was a good learning experience for her. She's since learned boundaries and she's quick to recognize when others get in touch with her just because they want something. That in itself has given her a strong core of friends, one that is healthy and supportive. Middle school is always rough, isn't it?
In high school, Em showed her althletic side. She became keeper on the high school soccer team, and started all four years of high school. One day we heard that the other team was scared of her. We had to laugh at that. All they would have to do was talk to her and they would know she was a big softy! But she played tough, and helped her team out along the way.
Now she's in college. She's always struggled a bit in school, except when she had to write. She's a good writer. That is playing to her advantage now. She's made the Dean's list, and was invited to join Phi Theta Kappa, an honor society for two year colleges. We are so proud of how far she's come! I can't wait to see where this next year takes her. She's got some big steps to take, and she's up to the task.
I love her so much!
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Did you know...
That some people find it amusing to bowl with frozen turkeys?
I happen to be one of them.
And I did it at work.
I got paid to bowl with a frozen turkey at work.
Have I mentioned I love my job?!!!
I happen to be one of them.
And I did it at work.
I got paid to bowl with a frozen turkey at work.
Have I mentioned I love my job?!!!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Memory Lane
Or in my mind, Foxdale. That's where I spent 10 years of my life in California. From the age of 4 to 14. A lot of memories are on this street...

This is the house I lived in. It looks so much different now. The landscaping was beautiful before. There were bushes against the house, out by the street, and a tree by the street in the front yard (not the one that is there now). My tree was more to the left. I used it for shade in the summer. My brother used to chase me out of the house in my bare feet in the evening, because there would be snails covering the yard then. We watched fireworks from the front yard, and we all would hang out in the evening and play "ditch", using the entire street as our hiding place.

This is the library/firehouse just around the corner. I walked here all the time to check out books. This is where I read everything I could get my hands on about Hellen Keller, or horses. They also used to have these wonderful plum trees that all of the people in the neighborhood could come and pick. I picked a grocery bag full once.

This is the gate to my elementary school, also around the corner from our house. This is where Dad and Steve picked me up to tell me that I had a little brother. I immediately started crying. See, Steve and I had a praying contest going...I was praying for a sister, and he was praying for a brother. He "won". And he was standing behind Dad with a smirk on his face. Don't judge me too harshly. I was only 7.

See the tree in this yard? Well, when it was only a sapling, Mrs. Mauriello (across the street) would use it to communicate to the kids in the neighborhood whether or not we could swim in their pool. A red flag meant no (there was rarely a red flag), a yellow flag meant bring a parent, and a green flag meant kids could come anytime. I remember being afraid that Jaws was in the deep end. Oh, and the infamous Louis and Glen lived here. Louis, the older brother, would get out his pellet gun and give Glen the count of 10 to run. He usually started shooting at around 8. It's amazing Glen ever survived.

The view of my street. I believe that's Mt. Baldie in the background.

Cathy's house. Her dad was a little grumpy, but he always wanted me to play the piano for him.

Maria's house. She always had the coolest room. And she's the first person I ever knew who "travelled." She went to Hawaii!

Our poor neighbors. I can't tell you how many times we had to ask if we could get our basketball out of their pool.

Pricilla Payne's house. She was actually a direct decendant of Pricilla on the know, the Pricilla and John story? "Speak for yourself, John...." She was also my piano teacher. Very patient woman.
I know I'll probably never be able to go back to this street, but being able to take a "virtual walk" is the next best thing.

This is the house I lived in. It looks so much different now. The landscaping was beautiful before. There were bushes against the house, out by the street, and a tree by the street in the front yard (not the one that is there now). My tree was more to the left. I used it for shade in the summer. My brother used to chase me out of the house in my bare feet in the evening, because there would be snails covering the yard then. We watched fireworks from the front yard, and we all would hang out in the evening and play "ditch", using the entire street as our hiding place.

This is the library/firehouse just around the corner. I walked here all the time to check out books. This is where I read everything I could get my hands on about Hellen Keller, or horses. They also used to have these wonderful plum trees that all of the people in the neighborhood could come and pick. I picked a grocery bag full once.

This is the gate to my elementary school, also around the corner from our house. This is where Dad and Steve picked me up to tell me that I had a little brother. I immediately started crying. See, Steve and I had a praying contest going...I was praying for a sister, and he was praying for a brother. He "won". And he was standing behind Dad with a smirk on his face. Don't judge me too harshly. I was only 7.

See the tree in this yard? Well, when it was only a sapling, Mrs. Mauriello (across the street) would use it to communicate to the kids in the neighborhood whether or not we could swim in their pool. A red flag meant no (there was rarely a red flag), a yellow flag meant bring a parent, and a green flag meant kids could come anytime. I remember being afraid that Jaws was in the deep end. Oh, and the infamous Louis and Glen lived here. Louis, the older brother, would get out his pellet gun and give Glen the count of 10 to run. He usually started shooting at around 8. It's amazing Glen ever survived.

The view of my street. I believe that's Mt. Baldie in the background.

Cathy's house. Her dad was a little grumpy, but he always wanted me to play the piano for him.

Maria's house. She always had the coolest room. And she's the first person I ever knew who "travelled." She went to Hawaii!

Our poor neighbors. I can't tell you how many times we had to ask if we could get our basketball out of their pool.

Pricilla Payne's house. She was actually a direct decendant of Pricilla on the know, the Pricilla and John story? "Speak for yourself, John...." She was also my piano teacher. Very patient woman.
I know I'll probably never be able to go back to this street, but being able to take a "virtual walk" is the next best thing.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Fall Didn't Pass Us By...
I was afraid all of the rain caused Fall to pass us by, but the days have been gorgeous lately. The result, kids taking their books outside to read and work on school work. It was a wonderful sight to see.
A quote we pondered in class today:
Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches, letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights. ~Pauline R. Kezer
A quote we pondered in class today:
Continuity gives us roots; change gives us branches, letting us stretch and grow and reach new heights. ~Pauline R. Kezer
Sunday, November 08, 2009
I'm Noticing...
In my middle school teaching days, we studied a bit about the Ancient Roman Empire. Actually, we took part in a simulation, and within that unit of study there was a lesson called "Bread and Games." It was an interesting study, in that it explained the tactics the Senate used to keep the "mob" from rising up against them. One of the tactics was called "Bread and Games." The thought behind it was simply this: If we keep the "mob" fed and entertained, they will be more reluctant to rise up. So they made sure that free bread was available to all citizens, and they instituted more than 200 official holidays per year. This in turn made the people dependent on the government for sustenance, and turned the economy to one that was dependent on the holidays, much like having an economy dependent on tourism. The result was that over the years, the people lost their trade and service based economy, the economy collapsed, and eventually Rome was weakened to the point of being invaded by Germanic tribes.
Bread and Games. It's starting to feel less like a simulation and more like the real thing...
Bread and Games. It's starting to feel less like a simulation and more like the real thing...
Friday, November 06, 2009
Night at the Museum
Big Dad treated me to an evening at the Kimball Museum in Fort Worth. It featured Mayan artifacts and limestone carvings, Babylonean wall carvings, paintings by Monet, Manet and Pizarro, and one of my favorites, Michaelangelo's first known paintings. He painted it when he was only 12 years old, and was completely amazing.
Then, to top it off, we ate at the restaurant there. The asparagus quiche was absolutely delicious.
It was so fun just walking around the museum, look at the art pieces and talking about art and history with him. He's such a neat guy.
Then, to top it off, we ate at the restaurant there. The asparagus quiche was absolutely delicious.
It was so fun just walking around the museum, look at the art pieces and talking about art and history with him. He's such a neat guy.
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Things that make my day:
Hugs from random children
Random hugs from my children
Kudos from fellow teachers
Kudos from principals
A drop in gas prices
Funny videos that Christopher finds (the Button)
Phone calls from family
Green lights all the way to work
Good Dr's reports
A ball hit far by the boys
A high fly ball caught by the boys
A neck massage
Finding that little something you've been looking for. And it's on sale.
Dishes already done
Laundry almost done (I'm realistic)
My flowers in full bloom.
And unexpected phone calls from good friends far, far away. Love you, Sandy!
Random hugs from my children
Kudos from fellow teachers
Kudos from principals
A drop in gas prices
Funny videos that Christopher finds (the Button)
Phone calls from family
Green lights all the way to work
Good Dr's reports
A ball hit far by the boys
A high fly ball caught by the boys
A neck massage
Finding that little something you've been looking for. And it's on sale.
Dishes already done
Laundry almost done (I'm realistic)
My flowers in full bloom.
And unexpected phone calls from good friends far, far away. Love you, Sandy!
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Good Teenage Decisions
You know, parenting when our kids are young is in many ways much easier. Sure, you're tired all the time, and it requires a certain level of mental, physical and emotional energy at all times, but as a parent you also know all that is going on. Your kids talk to you then, about everything. I remember my kids would tell me about getting in trouble in class. I used to laugh, thinking it's funny that they don't know NOT to tell me. But I loved that, because we could talk through their decision making process, and we could problem solve situations together.
Somewhere in middle school, though, there is a disconnect that happens. Not completely. They still talk, but it's more at their own pace, and the information trickles in a little more slowly. They process things more on their own, and handle things more on their own, too.
So I guess as parents we are gradually weened from that control, and the relationship turns more into one of a guider or counselor as they start making more and more of their own decisions. But for us, every now and then, through parents of our kids' friends, we hear of some of the decisions they have made, and I have to say I'm pleased. They not only make good decisions when placed in tough situations, but they are making them decisively. No question about it, and the stand is made. When my friends tell me what they hear about my kids, I just have to thank God for those moments we had before. Those tough times with friends or sticky situations that they had when they were young were important life lessons about dealing with people and making stands.
I think it's important for kids to know it's OK to talk to us about their mistakes, and it's OK for them to make them. My kiddos are not perfect. They are learning like the rest of us. But they are also making some good decisions, and I'm so happy to see it.
Somewhere in middle school, though, there is a disconnect that happens. Not completely. They still talk, but it's more at their own pace, and the information trickles in a little more slowly. They process things more on their own, and handle things more on their own, too.
So I guess as parents we are gradually weened from that control, and the relationship turns more into one of a guider or counselor as they start making more and more of their own decisions. But for us, every now and then, through parents of our kids' friends, we hear of some of the decisions they have made, and I have to say I'm pleased. They not only make good decisions when placed in tough situations, but they are making them decisively. No question about it, and the stand is made. When my friends tell me what they hear about my kids, I just have to thank God for those moments we had before. Those tough times with friends or sticky situations that they had when they were young were important life lessons about dealing with people and making stands.
I think it's important for kids to know it's OK to talk to us about their mistakes, and it's OK for them to make them. My kiddos are not perfect. They are learning like the rest of us. But they are also making some good decisions, and I'm so happy to see it.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
So Happy...
About Bub's awesome Dr.'s report! He is, too. Says he feels like he's on top of the world. :) That's a pretty good feeling.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Awesome Weekend
We got so much done this week! We're pretty proud of the storm door T and I installed on the back door. We've had some major rainstorms lately (I'm not complaining!), and we had some water coming in under the back door, so we decided to install the storm door. I LOVE it! It really does keep the heat out, and I'm sure it will keep the cold out, too.
The boys played each other in baseball this weekend. It was fun rooting for each one. Timo had a hit every time at bat. Christopher made some awesome plays in the outfield, and made it to base all but once. The funny part was when Bubs got up to bat and pointed his bat in Timo's direction in center field. ha! Then when Timo got up, he hit one out to Bubs in center field. Bubs wasn't watching and when he threw the ball to the cut-off guy, Timothy was rounding first and already heading to second. Timothy slid in safe, and Bubs threw his hat on the ground. The crowd loved it.
Em was busy looking for scholarships for the University she plans to attend next school year. She already has two, which makes up for most of the year, so she only has about $1500 to make up and all will be paid for! She's just awesome. She's really getting into the groove of it all. We're so proud. Can you tell?
Nathaniel is recovering from the flu. He really didn't have a bad case, but it still zapped him pretty good. He's ready to get back to school. It did his heart good to hear that his friends were asking about him.
We're off to start another week. Here's hoping you have a week worth writing about!
The boys played each other in baseball this weekend. It was fun rooting for each one. Timo had a hit every time at bat. Christopher made some awesome plays in the outfield, and made it to base all but once. The funny part was when Bubs got up to bat and pointed his bat in Timo's direction in center field. ha! Then when Timo got up, he hit one out to Bubs in center field. Bubs wasn't watching and when he threw the ball to the cut-off guy, Timothy was rounding first and already heading to second. Timothy slid in safe, and Bubs threw his hat on the ground. The crowd loved it.
Em was busy looking for scholarships for the University she plans to attend next school year. She already has two, which makes up for most of the year, so she only has about $1500 to make up and all will be paid for! She's just awesome. She's really getting into the groove of it all. We're so proud. Can you tell?
Nathaniel is recovering from the flu. He really didn't have a bad case, but it still zapped him pretty good. He's ready to get back to school. It did his heart good to hear that his friends were asking about him.
We're off to start another week. Here's hoping you have a week worth writing about!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Conversation between Timo and Me:
We're doing parent taught driver's ed with Timo. We paid for Em to go to a driver's ed school when she was learning, and we weren't very impressed with the content. So, we're going the parent/teacher route. This led to the following conversation:
Me: "OK, Timo. We're coming up on a left turn light. So the way it works, if you get a green arrow, you have a protected left turn. If it's a full green light, then you have to wait until it's safe to turn."
Timo: "OK. Left arrow, safe. Green light, wait."
Light turns: green arrow AND green light.
Timo: (Pause, then looks at me) "Now what?"
The joys of driver's ed.
Me: "OK, Timo. We're coming up on a left turn light. So the way it works, if you get a green arrow, you have a protected left turn. If it's a full green light, then you have to wait until it's safe to turn."
Timo: "OK. Left arrow, safe. Green light, wait."
Light turns: green arrow AND green light.
Timo: (Pause, then looks at me) "Now what?"
The joys of driver's ed.
We just hafta say

how proud we are of EM! She just found out she was accepted into Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Society. Now, it should be noted that Em has not had the best of school experiences. She's struggled quite a bit, especially in math, and has had to have tutoring and such in order to get by. But, just like her "Lao Ba" as she calls him (her dad), suddenly everything clicks and she is off and running.
So here's to Em! I don't dote on her enough. I couldn't be prouder of her educational accomplishments. I think she's pretty happy, too. Now to gear her up for next two years. I think she's ready!
Friday, October 09, 2009
Sunday, October 04, 2009
New Territory
Timo has a girlfriend. This one has lasted more than a week, and he's making it to her tennis matches (as she is making it to his baseball games) so it seems a bit more serious than previous girls. We're breaking new ground in our house.
I like her, though. She's got a life of her own, and does her own thing, while at the same time makes time for Timothy. He does the same. Their life doesn't completely revolve around each other. At 16, that's a good thing.
She seems to know him well, though. She bought him a Dunder Mifflin mug and t-shirt. ;)
We'll see where this all leads. As a mom, though, it's a little perplexing. I don't want to get to know her too well. If they break up, I'll miss her! So right now it means watching things unfold, getting to know her a little at a time.
I have to say, I love our little family and where we are right now. Life is good and I'm pretty content. The "angels" are growing up!
I like her, though. She's got a life of her own, and does her own thing, while at the same time makes time for Timothy. He does the same. Their life doesn't completely revolve around each other. At 16, that's a good thing.
She seems to know him well, though. She bought him a Dunder Mifflin mug and t-shirt. ;)
We'll see where this all leads. As a mom, though, it's a little perplexing. I don't want to get to know her too well. If they break up, I'll miss her! So right now it means watching things unfold, getting to know her a little at a time.
I have to say, I love our little family and where we are right now. Life is good and I'm pretty content. The "angels" are growing up!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Not much contemplating lately...
But there's very little time for it! Our pace has definitely kicked up a few notches. Baseball, meetings, work around the house...all keep us hoppin'. But that's alright. (Darius Rucker has definitely influenced that thought, especially since I'm listening to him right now)
But life is good. We're missing some people, so the pace is good. It keeps us from being sad, and keeps us moving forward.
But life is good. We're missing some people, so the pace is good. It keeps us from being sad, and keeps us moving forward.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Mountain Man to Mr. Fixit.
Really, I think if our car was torn to pieces and our house was blown apart, Big Dad could fix it. He can fix just about anything!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
So as I walked...
past the cafeteria today, I heard a little voice say, "Mind if I walk with you?"
I looked down to see this little boy looking up at me, half my size, with this angelic facial expression.
I was honored to walk with him.
Totally made my day.
I looked down to see this little boy looking up at me, half my size, with this angelic facial expression.
I was honored to walk with him.
Totally made my day.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Missing Chris Today...
He would be 37 years old today. Wow. It has almost been 20 years since he passed away. He was a great little brother.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Think Bad of Me If You Will....

But I am a Survivor Addict. I don't know what it is, except that there's this sociological aspect to the game that I love. You're throwing 20 strangers together for 39 days, and they have to survive in rugged terrain, all while jockeying for a final position at the end of the game.
I lost interest for a couple of years. It seems that it was a bit too predictable. But last year sucked me back in with the whole Dragon Slayer bit, and it looks like I'm going to be sucked back in again this year. Manipulation and backstabbing is expected each year, but this time it's a contestant that throws things a bit. He's more than manipulative and backstabbing. He's mean and conniving! It will be interesting to watch and see how long it takes for everyone to realize what he's up to.
As much as I yell and scream at the TV when contestants fail to vote off the obvious troublemaker week after week, I have to say that if I were there, I would probably be one of them. I, too, tend to take people at face value and try to believe what they tell me, though age and experience has made me a little wiser. I do like the police woman. She's on to the bad guy right off the bat. I'd love to see the good prevail!
My vote: Police woman. We'll see how it turns out!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
It's feeling a little like Fall
The weather is beginning to cool, the pumpkins are coming out at the stores, and the halloween decorations are making an appearance as well.
It's Fall. Or close to it. And I love it.
I'm not sure why this season appeals to me so much. I enjoy the rich colors of the season, the break from the weather, the busy-ness of life. It's the season of baseball, of school routines, of holidays and celebrations. It's about family and extended family coming together, an excuse to see each other after so many months or even years apart. It's about food, sharing recipes, talking and playing games around the table.... it's the thing that makes me just take in a breath and sigh.
I feel content during this time of year. Happy with how things are going in our lives.
Enjoy your Close-to-Fall day. I'm off to watch some baseball games.
It's Fall. Or close to it. And I love it.
I'm not sure why this season appeals to me so much. I enjoy the rich colors of the season, the break from the weather, the busy-ness of life. It's the season of baseball, of school routines, of holidays and celebrations. It's about family and extended family coming together, an excuse to see each other after so many months or even years apart. It's about food, sharing recipes, talking and playing games around the table.... it's the thing that makes me just take in a breath and sigh.
I feel content during this time of year. Happy with how things are going in our lives.
Enjoy your Close-to-Fall day. I'm off to watch some baseball games.
Monday, September 07, 2009
Just finished painting
My livingroom. I think I'm gonna like it. Beach house. Where do they come up with these color names?
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Saturday, September 05, 2009
So proud of Em...
OK, not only can the girl come back to the States, get her license in three weeks, go to school and get on the Dean's list.....
The girl can change the serpentine belt in her car!
The girl can change the serpentine belt in her car!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Our friendly little garden gnome...
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Red Door
I decided to paint my door red. It's a pretty shade of red, though not without it's controversy. A friend asked if I was trying to ward off demons. Big Dad isn't quite so sure about the color, either. But I want a red door. So I decided to paint it red. It was hot out, and I was trying to get it done quickly so that I could get out of the sun.
As I was painting, I heard a car drive up and then stop. I just kept painting, because I figured someone was admiring my beautiful new door. "Miss?" Funny guy. Miss. I had to chuckle. I turned around, and it was Brad. Brad Pitt. I kid you not....Brad Pitt was calling me. And he was calling me "Miss."
"Excuse me, Miss? Can you tell me who built this home?" asked Brad.
I casually walked up to the car, trying hard not to look impressed. I think I tripped, though. "Hey. Hi there. My name is Stacy Hughes."
"Brad Pitt." We shook hands.
"I know. So you want to know who built this home? I think it was Fox and Randall."
"Ah, yes. I know of that builder. I would like to get in touch with him."
"You're from Springfield," I said, continuing with my casual, nonchalant conversation. "I went to college there. In fact, my daughter was born in the hospital you just made a big donation to!"
"St. John's," he said. "What college did you go to?"
Sheepishly, I told him about the small Bible college I went to. I say sheepishly because I was usually up to mischief there. "Did you ever get hit by an egg or water balloon while you were there?"
He looked surprised. "Yes! I was jogging around SMS, and this volkswagon full of girls drove by and hit me with a water balloon. Was that you?"
"I miss that VW," I said wistfully.
We laughed and laughed.
"Nice door," I heard from a voice inside the SUV. It was Angelina.
"Thanks," I said. "It's been quite the controversy, but I really like it."
"It's a great color," she said.
And I'm thinking, "Wow. Here I am shooting the breeze with Brad and Angie."
"Well, we better be going. Thanks for the help," said Brad.
"Thank you for the walk down memory lane. I haven't thought about those years or that VW in ages." I insisted. "It was nice meeting you both. Have a good one..."
"You, too," they said, and waved as they drove off.
I walked back to my door, stood there a few moments, just to take in what had just happened, then resumed painting.
I didn't tell anyone. I knew no one would believe me.
About a week later, I had a knock on my door. It was some delivery guy, who asked me to sign on the dotted line. "For what?" I asked. He pointed outside and handed me a card.
I opened the card, and it said "Here's to new mischief. Brad and Angie PS. Love the Red Door!"
I looked outside, and there was a green VW. No lie! A brand new, green VW was sitting in my drive, a gift from Brad Pitt and Angelina Joleigh. I almost fainted.
Or maybe I did faint. Or had too much sun. Or maybe I was just daydreaming a bit too much as I painted in the sun. But I like my little daydream, and I want to remember this story for awhile, and shooting the breeze with Brad and Angie. It was a good one while it lasted, and they liked my red door. The door is beautiful.
As I was painting, I heard a car drive up and then stop. I just kept painting, because I figured someone was admiring my beautiful new door. "Miss?" Funny guy. Miss. I had to chuckle. I turned around, and it was Brad. Brad Pitt. I kid you not....Brad Pitt was calling me. And he was calling me "Miss."
"Excuse me, Miss? Can you tell me who built this home?" asked Brad.
I casually walked up to the car, trying hard not to look impressed. I think I tripped, though. "Hey. Hi there. My name is Stacy Hughes."
"Brad Pitt." We shook hands.
"I know. So you want to know who built this home? I think it was Fox and Randall."
"Ah, yes. I know of that builder. I would like to get in touch with him."
"You're from Springfield," I said, continuing with my casual, nonchalant conversation. "I went to college there. In fact, my daughter was born in the hospital you just made a big donation to!"
"St. John's," he said. "What college did you go to?"
Sheepishly, I told him about the small Bible college I went to. I say sheepishly because I was usually up to mischief there. "Did you ever get hit by an egg or water balloon while you were there?"
He looked surprised. "Yes! I was jogging around SMS, and this volkswagon full of girls drove by and hit me with a water balloon. Was that you?"
"I miss that VW," I said wistfully.
We laughed and laughed.
"Nice door," I heard from a voice inside the SUV. It was Angelina.
"Thanks," I said. "It's been quite the controversy, but I really like it."
"It's a great color," she said.
And I'm thinking, "Wow. Here I am shooting the breeze with Brad and Angie."
"Well, we better be going. Thanks for the help," said Brad.
"Thank you for the walk down memory lane. I haven't thought about those years or that VW in ages." I insisted. "It was nice meeting you both. Have a good one..."
"You, too," they said, and waved as they drove off.
I walked back to my door, stood there a few moments, just to take in what had just happened, then resumed painting.
I didn't tell anyone. I knew no one would believe me.
About a week later, I had a knock on my door. It was some delivery guy, who asked me to sign on the dotted line. "For what?" I asked. He pointed outside and handed me a card.
I opened the card, and it said "Here's to new mischief. Brad and Angie PS. Love the Red Door!"
I looked outside, and there was a green VW. No lie! A brand new, green VW was sitting in my drive, a gift from Brad Pitt and Angelina Joleigh. I almost fainted.
Or maybe I did faint. Or had too much sun. Or maybe I was just daydreaming a bit too much as I painted in the sun. But I like my little daydream, and I want to remember this story for awhile, and shooting the breeze with Brad and Angie. It was a good one while it lasted, and they liked my red door. The door is beautiful.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Saturday, August 08, 2009
I got to spend another year with Big Dad. This will make #21. Unless you count dating years. Then it's 25.
He's such a good guy: Hard worker, creative, dedicated, loyal, hilarious.... He's the rock in the family.
I'm so glad I got him. ;)
He's such a good guy: Hard worker, creative, dedicated, loyal, hilarious.... He's the rock in the family.
I'm so glad I got him. ;)
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Happy Birthday, Big Dad
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Strong, Silent, and Oh So Funny
Exactly a week ago, I googled the address to a Baptist Church in Mesquite, and drove through downtown Dallas to make it to a funeral by 10. I wasn't sure I would be able to make the trip, and neither were a few other family members. But in the end, there was no way we would miss this funeral.
Uncle Bill was married to my dad's younger sister, Mary Jo. She was actually the first of the brothers and sisters to get married. My dad and Uncle Bill became good friends in their teens, and to hear dad tell it, he felt a little betrayed when he realized at some point the he wasn't the only reason Uncle Bill made frequent visits to their house.
I have scattered memories of him. All through childhood we made holiday visits to Uncle Bill and Aunt Jo's. I guess in situations like that, the strongest part of the person's character is what remains in memories. For me, it was that he was the strong silent type. He chose his words wisely, and measured them appropriately. Then came the zingers.
Uncle Bill's humor is the quality I remember most. He was the master of one liners. But he was quiet. So if you weren't listening, you'd miss them. Most people listened intently. Because he was quiet, he was extremely observant, and his humor reflected that. It was that observation that made him hilarious.
And he had a tell. I learned very quickly to listen closely when I saw it. He would lift his chin to straighten his collar. He wouldn't actually straighten his collar, just go through the initial motions. Then the zinger would fly, to be followed by peels of laughter. Every time.
Laughter is part of his family culture that he left behind. His family is always laughing. Even at the funeral, stories of Uncle Bill brought about a few belly laughs. While some people talked about his athleticism, and others talked about his lifelong commitment to the Lord and his hard work ethic, all reminisced about that smile of his after one of his one-liners.
Uncle Bill was and is part of our family fabric, and his color, though seemingly in the background, is the basis of the strength that makes the Ledbetters and the Houghs such a tight knit group. We will miss Uncle Bill. But because of him, we're strong enough to handle it.
Uncle Bill was married to my dad's younger sister, Mary Jo. She was actually the first of the brothers and sisters to get married. My dad and Uncle Bill became good friends in their teens, and to hear dad tell it, he felt a little betrayed when he realized at some point the he wasn't the only reason Uncle Bill made frequent visits to their house.
I have scattered memories of him. All through childhood we made holiday visits to Uncle Bill and Aunt Jo's. I guess in situations like that, the strongest part of the person's character is what remains in memories. For me, it was that he was the strong silent type. He chose his words wisely, and measured them appropriately. Then came the zingers.
Uncle Bill's humor is the quality I remember most. He was the master of one liners. But he was quiet. So if you weren't listening, you'd miss them. Most people listened intently. Because he was quiet, he was extremely observant, and his humor reflected that. It was that observation that made him hilarious.
And he had a tell. I learned very quickly to listen closely when I saw it. He would lift his chin to straighten his collar. He wouldn't actually straighten his collar, just go through the initial motions. Then the zinger would fly, to be followed by peels of laughter. Every time.
Laughter is part of his family culture that he left behind. His family is always laughing. Even at the funeral, stories of Uncle Bill brought about a few belly laughs. While some people talked about his athleticism, and others talked about his lifelong commitment to the Lord and his hard work ethic, all reminisced about that smile of his after one of his one-liners.
Uncle Bill was and is part of our family fabric, and his color, though seemingly in the background, is the basis of the strength that makes the Ledbetters and the Houghs such a tight knit group. We will miss Uncle Bill. But because of him, we're strong enough to handle it.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Friend Time
I get to see my old roommate tomorrow. I started thinking about the last time I saw her, and I think it's somewhere around 18 years! That's far too long. Especially for a good, good friend.
Kim and I were inseparable in college. We lived together, worked at the same places (school cafeteria and Walmart) and shared our lives for three straight years. Those were crazy years, and we did strange and crazy things. Oreos were a particular fascination....for many reasons. We went through the same fads and fazes: (I admit) legwarmers, full length coats, generic wheat thins, Ferris Beuller's Day Off, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, the Gaither Vocal Band.... all bring up specific memories and events spent with Kim. And the VW. Can't forget the green bug.
We've lived completely different lives post college, but that hasn't kept us from staying in touch. My daughter started college this year. Hers is in pre-K. I've been married for 21 years. She's been married for 5. But there are similarities, too. We both are active in ministry. We both are dedicated moms. We have some similar problems in our lives as well.
So I get to see Kim tomorrow, and I'm sure it's going to be a gabfest. Lots of catching up, laughing, sharing, and getting to know our kids. It's going to be a blast!
Kim and I were inseparable in college. We lived together, worked at the same places (school cafeteria and Walmart) and shared our lives for three straight years. Those were crazy years, and we did strange and crazy things. Oreos were a particular fascination....for many reasons. We went through the same fads and fazes: (I admit) legwarmers, full length coats, generic wheat thins, Ferris Beuller's Day Off, Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, the Gaither Vocal Band.... all bring up specific memories and events spent with Kim. And the VW. Can't forget the green bug.
We've lived completely different lives post college, but that hasn't kept us from staying in touch. My daughter started college this year. Hers is in pre-K. I've been married for 21 years. She's been married for 5. But there are similarities, too. We both are active in ministry. We both are dedicated moms. We have some similar problems in our lives as well.
So I get to see Kim tomorrow, and I'm sure it's going to be a gabfest. Lots of catching up, laughing, sharing, and getting to know our kids. It's going to be a blast!
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Monday, June 01, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
C. S. Lewis
C. S. Lewis
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
You know, over the past 10 years or so, I've been around a lot of negativity. I really didn't think I was a person who got swept up in my surroundings, but I'm finding now, with a little 20/20 hindsight, that I am. Not to the point of letting things ruin my days too much, but more along the lines of allowing negativity to steal some moments. I've been in a situation where there has been a ton of competitiveness, and people wanting to take my husband and my ministry down or see it fail...for various reasons. You would think it would be the opposite, since we were working to bring the Gospel to a place that had never heard it before, but opposition is strong, and Satan had plenty to work with in terms of natural man: ambition, jealousy, envy, strife.
But there have been a few who have been encouragers. People who knew that we, as a family, were doing a very tough thing, and were there for us with encouraging words and actions. I've looked back over some letters and emails over the past 10 years, and I have to say that the people who were encouraging then are still encouraging now. It's their spiritual gift, I think. When they see a good job, they say it. When they sense a down moment or time, they send their "atta boy's" our way. They just always had a sense of how we were doing, when we might have a particularly difficult time (holidays and such) and made sure we knew they were thinking of us.
I am extremely grateful for all of my/our encouragers....or Barnabases. :) We have been lucky to have so many in our lives, and I just want you all to know you've been used of God when you have let us know you care. He knew what we needed and when, and you listened.
Thank you!
But there have been a few who have been encouragers. People who knew that we, as a family, were doing a very tough thing, and were there for us with encouraging words and actions. I've looked back over some letters and emails over the past 10 years, and I have to say that the people who were encouraging then are still encouraging now. It's their spiritual gift, I think. When they see a good job, they say it. When they sense a down moment or time, they send their "atta boy's" our way. They just always had a sense of how we were doing, when we might have a particularly difficult time (holidays and such) and made sure we knew they were thinking of us.
I am extremely grateful for all of my/our encouragers....or Barnabases. :) We have been lucky to have so many in our lives, and I just want you all to know you've been used of God when you have let us know you care. He knew what we needed and when, and you listened.
Thank you!
Thursday, May 07, 2009
Mornings Like These....
You know, lately the days have been fairly crazy. We're usually running here and there, managing schedules, getting people to places they need to's hectic. So I've been lax in just stopping and watching the world around me. Mainly because it's just my house that I've had to watch.....I haven't really been anywhere else.
But this morning was one of just taking things in. Getting up slowly, waking up the boys for school, enjoying our morning routine. It was a morning of just enjoying who we are as a family and where we are at this point and time.
Timo doesn't like to talk in the mornings. I know he's awake by squeezing his big toe or patting him on the leg. If his eyes twitch, he's up. But this morning, I got a little extra. "I'm hungry. Can we have biscuits this morning," was his greeting. Ah, the teen years.
Bubs has to have a hug first thing in the morning. He's on the top bunk, so it's easy. He usually has something funny to share, too. His crazy dreams are shared, or he gives a little info about the coming day, but he's a little more talkative and always witty. First thing in the morning. I don't know how he does it.
San usually sticks up a hand indicating a 5, meaning he wants five more minutes to sleep in. I sat on the edge of his bed, and he said, "I thought you were the dog in my dream!" Thanks San. He laughs.
I went to my computer and put on the Levi song. You know, from the Levi commercial in the 70's: "Good mornin' world. Good morning to you, yoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo, I'ma wearin' my levis, leehee hee hee hee e vies." Out of bed they came.
Works every time.
Em, however, remained in her cave. :) No need to get up early when you have a 10 o'clock class. was a nice morning.
But this morning was one of just taking things in. Getting up slowly, waking up the boys for school, enjoying our morning routine. It was a morning of just enjoying who we are as a family and where we are at this point and time.
Timo doesn't like to talk in the mornings. I know he's awake by squeezing his big toe or patting him on the leg. If his eyes twitch, he's up. But this morning, I got a little extra. "I'm hungry. Can we have biscuits this morning," was his greeting. Ah, the teen years.
Bubs has to have a hug first thing in the morning. He's on the top bunk, so it's easy. He usually has something funny to share, too. His crazy dreams are shared, or he gives a little info about the coming day, but he's a little more talkative and always witty. First thing in the morning. I don't know how he does it.
San usually sticks up a hand indicating a 5, meaning he wants five more minutes to sleep in. I sat on the edge of his bed, and he said, "I thought you were the dog in my dream!" Thanks San. He laughs.
I went to my computer and put on the Levi song. You know, from the Levi commercial in the 70's: "Good mornin' world. Good morning to you, yoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo, I'ma wearin' my levis, leehee hee hee hee e vies." Out of bed they came.
Works every time.
Em, however, remained in her cave. :) No need to get up early when you have a 10 o'clock class. was a nice morning.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Stuff I've Loved About This Year
I see I've been conditioned to think about years in terms of school years. Since the end of the school year is coming, it has had me thinking of what this year has been like. This is what I've loved about this year:
Em driving. Scary, but exciting, too.
College. She's doing so great in college. She actually got a scholarship that reimbursed her tuition for the entire year! It was based on grades, so we didn't find out about it until mid-year, but that tuition reimbursement was nice for her. She's got next year's schooling paid for now!
Baseball. It's been great getting into it, and by association, into the community here. We've made some good friends through baseball, and we enjoy sitting and talking during the games.
Weather. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to have blue sky, with huge, billowy, 3-D clouds floating by. It's something we've missed for so long! We catch ourselves just looking at the sky in wonderment. And the sunsets are amazing. We also have been re-introduced to Texas electric thunderstorms, with lightening that streaks across the sky. It makes for fun light shows, as long as there's a safe place to sit.
Lawn. We have a lawn to take care of, and that has been something we've missed. T and I love to get our hands dirty and work outdoors, and we haven't been able to for far too long. No lawns in Taiwan. At least where we live. We even love the dandelions, Craver!! ha!
Sonic. Half price Happy Hour has replaced the teas we miss from Taiwan. They are completely different drinks, but at least they are priced about the same.
Sidewalks. I can't tell you how good it is to walk down a poop-free sidewalk. Even after almost a year, it still is exciting to be able to do that.
Texas manners. *sigh* I never realize how much I miss this part of living here until I'm back. People waving at each other as they pass each other on the road, men tipping their hats and saying, "Morning, Ma'am" and opening doors for me, even kids in school saying "Yes ma'am, no ma'am." I just want to close my eyes and take it all in, but that's bad when you're walking into a building and someone is holding the door for you. It's not that things are being done FOR me, it's just the courtesies that are part of living here. I've missed it a lot.
Friday Nights. Friday Nights really are big nights in small Texas towns. Football games, baseball's real community time, and a time to come together as a town and root for our home team. I love it.
Music. I've enjoyed the 70's and 80's channels, actually. It's fun, because that music many times brings me back to a moment in time from those days. I love how music does that. I found a music site online that played Raffi songs, and I played them for our kiddos. You should have heard them talk about times they remembered, and some of those memories have absolutely nothing with the topic of the song: Our green car from back then, the pink house, someone who slept over.... it just made them think of those days.
Family. Having free long distance has enabled us to call Florida and speak to the Hughes' and Hotchkiss' any time we feel the need. That's nice. And, living close to my family means a quick trip to the Ledbetters, visiting with extended family, spending holidays with them for the first time in ages.
It's been a good year.
Em driving. Scary, but exciting, too.
College. She's doing so great in college. She actually got a scholarship that reimbursed her tuition for the entire year! It was based on grades, so we didn't find out about it until mid-year, but that tuition reimbursement was nice for her. She's got next year's schooling paid for now!
Baseball. It's been great getting into it, and by association, into the community here. We've made some good friends through baseball, and we enjoy sitting and talking during the games.
Weather. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to have blue sky, with huge, billowy, 3-D clouds floating by. It's something we've missed for so long! We catch ourselves just looking at the sky in wonderment. And the sunsets are amazing. We also have been re-introduced to Texas electric thunderstorms, with lightening that streaks across the sky. It makes for fun light shows, as long as there's a safe place to sit.
Lawn. We have a lawn to take care of, and that has been something we've missed. T and I love to get our hands dirty and work outdoors, and we haven't been able to for far too long. No lawns in Taiwan. At least where we live. We even love the dandelions, Craver!! ha!
Sonic. Half price Happy Hour has replaced the teas we miss from Taiwan. They are completely different drinks, but at least they are priced about the same.
Sidewalks. I can't tell you how good it is to walk down a poop-free sidewalk. Even after almost a year, it still is exciting to be able to do that.
Texas manners. *sigh* I never realize how much I miss this part of living here until I'm back. People waving at each other as they pass each other on the road, men tipping their hats and saying, "Morning, Ma'am" and opening doors for me, even kids in school saying "Yes ma'am, no ma'am." I just want to close my eyes and take it all in, but that's bad when you're walking into a building and someone is holding the door for you. It's not that things are being done FOR me, it's just the courtesies that are part of living here. I've missed it a lot.
Friday Nights. Friday Nights really are big nights in small Texas towns. Football games, baseball's real community time, and a time to come together as a town and root for our home team. I love it.
Music. I've enjoyed the 70's and 80's channels, actually. It's fun, because that music many times brings me back to a moment in time from those days. I love how music does that. I found a music site online that played Raffi songs, and I played them for our kiddos. You should have heard them talk about times they remembered, and some of those memories have absolutely nothing with the topic of the song: Our green car from back then, the pink house, someone who slept over.... it just made them think of those days.
Family. Having free long distance has enabled us to call Florida and speak to the Hughes' and Hotchkiss' any time we feel the need. That's nice. And, living close to my family means a quick trip to the Ledbetters, visiting with extended family, spending holidays with them for the first time in ages.
It's been a good year.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Stuff I've Learned This Year
Is a fun way to catch up with people you never thought you'd be able to see again!
Is a pretty public forum
Can use up too much time if you're not careful!
Is a Godsend to kids who have friends all over the world.
Loyalty is an important quality here.
Need to be cultivated
Are precious
Can be fragile
Shape our character
Sometimes require tough decisions
Are in abundance! We just need to show ourselves friendly.
Come in all shapes and sizes.
Come from many different sources.
Keep us healthy.
Are fun to laugh with.
Are great listeners.
Can be hidden treasures. I love finding those.
Have strengths and talents in areas I can only imagine!
Can be reached. But not always.
Can have agendas. There's not much we can do about that.
May never hear you, and there's nothing we can do about that, either.
May need drama to feel alive. We can choose not to participate.
Mostly are better individually than in groups. But not always.
Is fragile
Needs responsible people minus agendas
Needs to be cultivated
Needs participation
Needs deliberation
Needs tough choices
Needs prayer
Diet Dr. Pepper is one of the best things on the planet. Nay sayers....hush!
I miss food from just about every place we've lived. There's always a favorite something.
Creamy Nutmeg fragrance spray by White Barn Candle Co. is wonderful.
I've missed magazines. They're great. I think Southern Living is my favorite.
Teaching is one of the best decisions I ever made.
T is another, as long as he doesn't comment about facebook ;)
Texas wildflowers are some of the prettiest on the planet
Texas thunderstorms are some of the most entertaining.
Blogging is therapeutic.
Is a fun way to catch up with people you never thought you'd be able to see again!
Is a pretty public forum
Can use up too much time if you're not careful!
Is a Godsend to kids who have friends all over the world.
Loyalty is an important quality here.
Need to be cultivated
Are precious
Can be fragile
Shape our character
Sometimes require tough decisions
Are in abundance! We just need to show ourselves friendly.
Come in all shapes and sizes.
Come from many different sources.
Keep us healthy.
Are fun to laugh with.
Are great listeners.
Can be hidden treasures. I love finding those.
Have strengths and talents in areas I can only imagine!
Can be reached. But not always.
Can have agendas. There's not much we can do about that.
May never hear you, and there's nothing we can do about that, either.
May need drama to feel alive. We can choose not to participate.
Mostly are better individually than in groups. But not always.
Is fragile
Needs responsible people minus agendas
Needs to be cultivated
Needs participation
Needs deliberation
Needs tough choices
Needs prayer
Diet Dr. Pepper is one of the best things on the planet. Nay sayers....hush!
I miss food from just about every place we've lived. There's always a favorite something.
Creamy Nutmeg fragrance spray by White Barn Candle Co. is wonderful.
I've missed magazines. They're great. I think Southern Living is my favorite.
Teaching is one of the best decisions I ever made.
T is another, as long as he doesn't comment about facebook ;)
Texas wildflowers are some of the prettiest on the planet
Texas thunderstorms are some of the most entertaining.
Blogging is therapeutic.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I'm not sure what it is about thunderstorms that makes me feel so good. I've always loved rainy days for one. When I was young and in elementary school, it meant a break from the usual routine. We got to stay inside at recess and play board games or head's up 7-Up. It was dark and gloomy outside, but inside was fun and safe.
But thunderstorms are a little bit more risky, and I love them even more. Every Summer, during our days in California, we would drive from Southern California to East Texas. It was a long trip, and the drive across Arizona, New Mexico and West Texas was particularly endless, especially on I10. But one of the things that I loved was watching the thunderstorms roll in. I would lay in the back window (something you can't do today!) and watch they sky. It was like having my own fireworks show: lightening would shoot across the sky, or hit the ground in the far off distance. It was amazingly beautiful
High school days brought about our house in Liberty Hill with the tin roof, and the big wrap around front porch. Thunderstorms meant sitting in the porch swing on the front porch watching the lightening and counting the seconds until we heard the thunder, or taking a nap upstairs and listening to the rain tapping on the tin roof.
Looks like it might rain today. Maybe I'll get my Texas thunderstorm today.
But thunderstorms are a little bit more risky, and I love them even more. Every Summer, during our days in California, we would drive from Southern California to East Texas. It was a long trip, and the drive across Arizona, New Mexico and West Texas was particularly endless, especially on I10. But one of the things that I loved was watching the thunderstorms roll in. I would lay in the back window (something you can't do today!) and watch they sky. It was like having my own fireworks show: lightening would shoot across the sky, or hit the ground in the far off distance. It was amazingly beautiful
High school days brought about our house in Liberty Hill with the tin roof, and the big wrap around front porch. Thunderstorms meant sitting in the porch swing on the front porch watching the lightening and counting the seconds until we heard the thunder, or taking a nap upstairs and listening to the rain tapping on the tin roof.
Looks like it might rain today. Maybe I'll get my Texas thunderstorm today.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Hidden Treasures
I've never been comfortable with the spotlight. And I've never been comfortable around people who seek the spotlight. I'm one who is content to work on the fringes and in the background, and being around someone in the spotlight means a risk of that light shining on me. Plus, there are those who crave the spotlight for selfish gain, and I've known a few. Call me untrusting, but my default mode of operation when dealing with someone like that is to watch for selfish motives.
But in the case of Paul Potts, George Sampson and Susan Boyle, there's a difference. It seems these ordinary, unassuming folks who do things like manage cell phone stores, go to jr. high school, or take care of their mom and sing at local karaoke bars for fun, don't seek the spotlight. True, they tried out for Britain's Got Talent, a national talent search shown in England, but in each case, you hear of the urging of family and co-workers, who know of their talents and want to let the world see what they see. They each also took solace in their talents. It helped them through hard times. Paul Potts was bullied at school, but would sing to get through the pain of it all. George Sampson loved dancing, even though none of his friends did. A very scary thing for an adolescent. And Susan Boyle didn't even attempt to sing in such a forum until after she had taken care of her sick mother after so many years. In each case, going on the talent show was actually an act of courage!
It so reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite children's books, Hind's Feet in High Places:
"Nothing My Father and I have made is ever wasted," He said quietly, "and the wild flowers have a wonderful lesson to teach. Many people live a quiet, ordinary life. Hardly anyone even knows about them, but inside their hearts it is like a delightful garden where the King Himself walks and rejoices. Some of My servants have won great respect from other people and are famous, but always their greatest victories are like the wild flowers, those which no one knows about. Learn this lesson now, down here in the Valley, Much-Afraid, and when you get to the steep places of the mountains it will comfort you." - The Shepherd, Hind's Feet on High Places
I think these three have learned this lesson in their valleys, and now they're on the mountain tops. I believe it comforts us all.
But in the case of Paul Potts, George Sampson and Susan Boyle, there's a difference. It seems these ordinary, unassuming folks who do things like manage cell phone stores, go to jr. high school, or take care of their mom and sing at local karaoke bars for fun, don't seek the spotlight. True, they tried out for Britain's Got Talent, a national talent search shown in England, but in each case, you hear of the urging of family and co-workers, who know of their talents and want to let the world see what they see. They each also took solace in their talents. It helped them through hard times. Paul Potts was bullied at school, but would sing to get through the pain of it all. George Sampson loved dancing, even though none of his friends did. A very scary thing for an adolescent. And Susan Boyle didn't even attempt to sing in such a forum until after she had taken care of her sick mother after so many years. In each case, going on the talent show was actually an act of courage!
It so reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite children's books, Hind's Feet in High Places:
"Nothing My Father and I have made is ever wasted," He said quietly, "and the wild flowers have a wonderful lesson to teach. Many people live a quiet, ordinary life. Hardly anyone even knows about them, but inside their hearts it is like a delightful garden where the King Himself walks and rejoices. Some of My servants have won great respect from other people and are famous, but always their greatest victories are like the wild flowers, those which no one knows about. Learn this lesson now, down here in the Valley, Much-Afraid, and when you get to the steep places of the mountains it will comfort you." - The Shepherd, Hind's Feet on High Places
I think these three have learned this lesson in their valleys, and now they're on the mountain tops. I believe it comforts us all.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
"I'm Sorry I Ever Met You"
I just pulled in to our driveway from picking up my son from school, when I noticed a young man walking down the street by our house. When I walked around the car, we made eye contact and I said hello to him. He said hello, and seemed friendly enough, then he stopped and asked if I had a cell phone he could borrow to call a friend. That's when I noticed his hand. It was swollen, and cut very badly. I told my son to go get the first aid kit, and searched for my phone. I asked him if he was OK. He said he had spoken with the pharmacist (we live just down from a Walgreens) and they said he probably broke his pinky, and that he needed stitches. I asked him if it hurt, and he said his feelings were hurt much worse. Seems his girlfriend kicked him out of their house, and her parting words were that she was sorry she had ever met him.
I could see in his eyes that he was hurt emotionally. He was working hard to keep from crying, and as he made arrangements to be picked up, he kept his emotions in check. I went through the first aid kit, told him no one should ever hear those words, and let him know I would pray for him. His ride came and he waved a grateful wave.
My brother has been preaching a series on holding our words in check, emphasizing how we are stewards of our words. I believe that whole heartedly. Words can and do cut more deeply and cause more damage than sticks and stones. But to hear a statement like "I'm sorry I ever met you" is devastating. See, we all have people who impact our lives, good and bad. Even the bad ones teach us things about ourselves, make us step up and stand up for ourselves and our loved ones, and force us to grow in areas we might not have grown. But what this young man had to hear was that his girlfriend wished their paths had never crossed, that she wished she never even knew him, and the pain he had to bear was far worse than his broken hand. He talked about her, not his hand.
Words cannot be undone, and they reveal the true thought and character of those speaking them. What is said after the fact does little to diminish the pain and revelations caused by them. But maybe the pain and hurt of hearing such things is what makes us willing to hear and help those in similar circumstances. It just may be the redeeming factor of such heartless actions from heartless people.
I could see in his eyes that he was hurt emotionally. He was working hard to keep from crying, and as he made arrangements to be picked up, he kept his emotions in check. I went through the first aid kit, told him no one should ever hear those words, and let him know I would pray for him. His ride came and he waved a grateful wave.
My brother has been preaching a series on holding our words in check, emphasizing how we are stewards of our words. I believe that whole heartedly. Words can and do cut more deeply and cause more damage than sticks and stones. But to hear a statement like "I'm sorry I ever met you" is devastating. See, we all have people who impact our lives, good and bad. Even the bad ones teach us things about ourselves, make us step up and stand up for ourselves and our loved ones, and force us to grow in areas we might not have grown. But what this young man had to hear was that his girlfriend wished their paths had never crossed, that she wished she never even knew him, and the pain he had to bear was far worse than his broken hand. He talked about her, not his hand.
Words cannot be undone, and they reveal the true thought and character of those speaking them. What is said after the fact does little to diminish the pain and revelations caused by them. But maybe the pain and hurt of hearing such things is what makes us willing to hear and help those in similar circumstances. It just may be the redeeming factor of such heartless actions from heartless people.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
As Christians, Easter holds a significant place in what we believe, and is even more important than Christmas, in my opinion. Not only did Christ come to earth and dwell among us, feeling all of the same feelings we feel, and tempted the same way we are, yet without sin, he also died and rose again on the third day. This is THE cause for celebration for Christianity as a whole.
I love that I was able to celebrate this holiday with family and extended family. I'm extremely blessed that most of my family is of the same belief. It makes these holidays, and celebrating them together, memorable. These are memories that bind us as family members, and I enjoy every minute of it.
Today, as we gathered after church, and prayed together, ate together and played together, I was reminded how blessed I am.
Happy Easter, everyone!
I love that I was able to celebrate this holiday with family and extended family. I'm extremely blessed that most of my family is of the same belief. It makes these holidays, and celebrating them together, memorable. These are memories that bind us as family members, and I enjoy every minute of it.
Today, as we gathered after church, and prayed together, ate together and played together, I was reminded how blessed I am.
Happy Easter, everyone!
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Forging Friendships
(No, I don't mean forging as in counterfeit. I mean forging as in strengthened by fire.)
I was thinking of the phrase “forging new friendships” the other day, and I was letting it role around in my head, thinking of the different ways my friendships have been “forged.” When I think of that word, I think of iron being put into fire, and my next thought was, “What a crazy way to speak of new friendships.” But then I started to catalog my friendships over the years, especially the ones that have stood the test of time, and I realized that it’s true. There are many moments within the life of a friendship that work to bond people together. I guess the forging fire works to either purify a friendship or burn it up.
The forging fires are the bonding moments that we as friends go through. Sometimes they are uncomfortable situations from the outside in. Other times they are from within the friendship itself, but whatever the case, the friendship endures.
I, like everyone else, have had friendships that did not stand that test, and I've wondered over the past few years what the difference is between those that stand the test of fire and those that do not. I'm sure it's different reasons for different people, but at the bottom of it all I think there has to be a mutual caring and respect that transcends the outer and inner turmoil. For the friendships that have lasted, I noted that there was never any posturing or competition. It was about loving and enjoying each other for who we were and where we were at in our lives. To this day, we all can see each other after being years apart, and feel like we were never apart. I don't think posturing allows for that, nor does it have any place in a friendship.
Either way, it just goes to prove that good, solid, meaningful friendships are rare, but when they occur, they last a lifetime. Even distance can't break the bonds. So, my friends, I just want you to know that I'm thankful for you!
I was thinking of the phrase “forging new friendships” the other day, and I was letting it role around in my head, thinking of the different ways my friendships have been “forged.” When I think of that word, I think of iron being put into fire, and my next thought was, “What a crazy way to speak of new friendships.” But then I started to catalog my friendships over the years, especially the ones that have stood the test of time, and I realized that it’s true. There are many moments within the life of a friendship that work to bond people together. I guess the forging fire works to either purify a friendship or burn it up.
The forging fires are the bonding moments that we as friends go through. Sometimes they are uncomfortable situations from the outside in. Other times they are from within the friendship itself, but whatever the case, the friendship endures.
I, like everyone else, have had friendships that did not stand that test, and I've wondered over the past few years what the difference is between those that stand the test of fire and those that do not. I'm sure it's different reasons for different people, but at the bottom of it all I think there has to be a mutual caring and respect that transcends the outer and inner turmoil. For the friendships that have lasted, I noted that there was never any posturing or competition. It was about loving and enjoying each other for who we were and where we were at in our lives. To this day, we all can see each other after being years apart, and feel like we were never apart. I don't think posturing allows for that, nor does it have any place in a friendship.
Either way, it just goes to prove that good, solid, meaningful friendships are rare, but when they occur, they last a lifetime. Even distance can't break the bonds. So, my friends, I just want you to know that I'm thankful for you!
Monday, March 02, 2009
Ancient Rome
Close to 15 years ago now, I taught gifted middle schoolers the subjects of reading and Social Studies. It was a dream job, in that I was in the position to help shape the curriculum for this class, which was a nice place to be as a teacher. It enabled me to teach to my strengths, and also guide the curriculum in sequences that make sense.
I taught sixth, seventh and eighth grades, two class periods each, one for each subject. We (my mentor Pam Pickard...the most creative person alive!) decided to start with Ancient Studies in the sixth grade class ending with the Fall of Rome, the Middle Ages went to the seventh grade class, and then the 8th graders learned about the founding of America and even ended with a civics course in which they ran a presidential election, building their platforms on well researched topics because, well, they were gifted students. The future leaders, movers and shakers. Since I taught them all three years, I was able to follow the continuum of the curriculum, knowing what they had been taught and what we could build on.
I've been thinking of that curriculum lately. In hearing about the new budget for our country, and all that it is attempting to provide for everyone, it brings me back to "Bread and Games" toward the end of the Roman Empire. Now, I realize there were many things that brought about the Fall of Rome, but to me, one of the most dangerous things during that time was the numbing of the citizens through this "Bread and Games" strategy. See, the mindset was, if we keep the masses fed and entertained, they will be pacified and won't care how we run the country. I'm not sure it was an overt strategy, but could have been part of human nature that plays out in situations like this. So the government of the time provided over 200 holidays during the year, endless games in the coliseum, and free bread for the masses. Because their basic needs were met, and they were happy, the upper eschelon could do as they wished, living far above the means of the people they were there to "serve."
There are a lot of differences between us and the Ancient Romans, but there are a lot of similarities as well. And, like it or not, history does repeats itself. Because we have the benefit of hindsight, our responsibilities are even greater to prevent this from happening again. Democracy allows people to serve us and represent us, not the other way around. I'm seeing some steps down that Ancient Roman path, and it's got me concerned.
I taught sixth, seventh and eighth grades, two class periods each, one for each subject. We (my mentor Pam Pickard...the most creative person alive!) decided to start with Ancient Studies in the sixth grade class ending with the Fall of Rome, the Middle Ages went to the seventh grade class, and then the 8th graders learned about the founding of America and even ended with a civics course in which they ran a presidential election, building their platforms on well researched topics because, well, they were gifted students. The future leaders, movers and shakers. Since I taught them all three years, I was able to follow the continuum of the curriculum, knowing what they had been taught and what we could build on.
I've been thinking of that curriculum lately. In hearing about the new budget for our country, and all that it is attempting to provide for everyone, it brings me back to "Bread and Games" toward the end of the Roman Empire. Now, I realize there were many things that brought about the Fall of Rome, but to me, one of the most dangerous things during that time was the numbing of the citizens through this "Bread and Games" strategy. See, the mindset was, if we keep the masses fed and entertained, they will be pacified and won't care how we run the country. I'm not sure it was an overt strategy, but could have been part of human nature that plays out in situations like this. So the government of the time provided over 200 holidays during the year, endless games in the coliseum, and free bread for the masses. Because their basic needs were met, and they were happy, the upper eschelon could do as they wished, living far above the means of the people they were there to "serve."
There are a lot of differences between us and the Ancient Romans, but there are a lot of similarities as well. And, like it or not, history does repeats itself. Because we have the benefit of hindsight, our responsibilities are even greater to prevent this from happening again. Democracy allows people to serve us and represent us, not the other way around. I'm seeing some steps down that Ancient Roman path, and it's got me concerned.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Completely Blessed, and Glad to be Reminded.
The human body is a completely amazing thing. From the point of conception, there are so many things that can go wrong at a minute level, which in turn can change our lives and the lives of our loved ones in a big way. But, they usually don't go wrong. The majority of us live lives with relative ease, and we become absorbed in our lives so much that we forget this body that allows us to do what we do.
I was completely in that category until two weeks ago. I started helping out in the Life Skills class at the local high school. There are various levels of kids to work with: Those who are fairly helpless, those who can be taught basic living skills, and those who can be taught skills outside of home in order to take on jobs. I worked with the first two. There are some amazing people working with these kids. My favorite was the music therapist who came in and played for them. You should have seen their faces light up when hearing her sing to them.
The fun thing, though, is getting to know these kids. They are amazing. There are times when they show little glimpses of their personalities, and you realize the shell that we see on the outside is very different from what is going on on the inside.
These students actually go to classes and participate in school, and they do benefit from these services. I know I was curious about that. But what is much more beneficial is how the average students relate to these kids. Not only are they accepting of them, they consider them part of their class. They make sure they get in class OK, help them if they drop things, and show no signs of fear or intimidation that I think is part of my generation.
So I am happy to have this relatively healthy body of mine (minus strep from last week). And I am happy that I can use it to help those who's bodies aren't as healthy. But more than that, I'm thrilled to be able to get to know these hidden treasures in our midst.
I was completely in that category until two weeks ago. I started helping out in the Life Skills class at the local high school. There are various levels of kids to work with: Those who are fairly helpless, those who can be taught basic living skills, and those who can be taught skills outside of home in order to take on jobs. I worked with the first two. There are some amazing people working with these kids. My favorite was the music therapist who came in and played for them. You should have seen their faces light up when hearing her sing to them.
The fun thing, though, is getting to know these kids. They are amazing. There are times when they show little glimpses of their personalities, and you realize the shell that we see on the outside is very different from what is going on on the inside.
These students actually go to classes and participate in school, and they do benefit from these services. I know I was curious about that. But what is much more beneficial is how the average students relate to these kids. Not only are they accepting of them, they consider them part of their class. They make sure they get in class OK, help them if they drop things, and show no signs of fear or intimidation that I think is part of my generation.
So I am happy to have this relatively healthy body of mine (minus strep from last week). And I am happy that I can use it to help those who's bodies aren't as healthy. But more than that, I'm thrilled to be able to get to know these hidden treasures in our midst.
Thursday, February 05, 2009
My husband has been reading a lot of biographies lately. He's enjoyed books on Joseph, Daniel and Abraham, and took that love of reading about great men a little further to mesh it with his love for American History. He's taken on some lengthy books as a result, and enjoys sharing little insights he's noticed when reading about some of the great men in our history. Ben Franklin was one that he especially enjoyed reading about. The man was truly a Renaissance Man.
For Christmas I got him a biography on John Adams. He's fun to read about because he was a pretty animated character. But he also gave little tidbits of information about Thomas Jefferson. When reading about John Adams, you get to hear his thoughts on his contemporary, and contrast the way they interacted at a very important crossroads in our history.
It seems Adams saw Mr. Jefferson as an odd person. Jefferson was quiet, and preferred to stay away from crowds. In fact, during the all important sessions of hammering out the wording of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson did not stay in town with the rest of the group. He took a small apartment on the outskirts of town, away from the noise, and I'm sure drop-in company. This seclusion was important to this man, because it was he who took what was said and decided in those meetings, and put the ideas into a meaningful and useful document that has guided this great nation of ours.
Big Dad and I were discussing this, and it came to us that observers are an important part of society. They are fringe people, not in the spotlight. They prefer to watch, take in and observe in order to make sense of things. The beauty of this type of person is that when they make sense of things, and communicate that to others, it enables others to understand as well. They show us paths of understanding that we might miss if someone wasn't there to watch out for it. Big Dad is somewhat like this, and it's fun to see the great men in history who have similar habits.
Mainstream isn't for everyone. Observers like Thomas Jefferson keep us on the right track, and keep mainstream in check. I really like observers.
For Christmas I got him a biography on John Adams. He's fun to read about because he was a pretty animated character. But he also gave little tidbits of information about Thomas Jefferson. When reading about John Adams, you get to hear his thoughts on his contemporary, and contrast the way they interacted at a very important crossroads in our history.
It seems Adams saw Mr. Jefferson as an odd person. Jefferson was quiet, and preferred to stay away from crowds. In fact, during the all important sessions of hammering out the wording of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson did not stay in town with the rest of the group. He took a small apartment on the outskirts of town, away from the noise, and I'm sure drop-in company. This seclusion was important to this man, because it was he who took what was said and decided in those meetings, and put the ideas into a meaningful and useful document that has guided this great nation of ours.
Big Dad and I were discussing this, and it came to us that observers are an important part of society. They are fringe people, not in the spotlight. They prefer to watch, take in and observe in order to make sense of things. The beauty of this type of person is that when they make sense of things, and communicate that to others, it enables others to understand as well. They show us paths of understanding that we might miss if someone wasn't there to watch out for it. Big Dad is somewhat like this, and it's fun to see the great men in history who have similar habits.
Mainstream isn't for everyone. Observers like Thomas Jefferson keep us on the right track, and keep mainstream in check. I really like observers.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I have to say that watching the inauguration was truly awe inspiring. Even though I didn't vote for Obama, and I don't agree with many of his policies (Spread the wealth? Does he really think the lowest guy on the totem pole won't feel that one?) I was very proud to be an American. Well, until a few jerks started taunting Bush. Don't they have any sense of decorum?
I think it's amazing that one of the most powerful positions in the world can change hands without some sort of coup or infighting. Where else can two people with very different ideas about how things should be run exchange the reigns of power with such grace and dignity?
I do think that there needs to be an understanding that whether or not we like the standing or future president, there is something to be said about respecting the office. The military folks who were on hand know better than anyone the sacrifices made for Bush's policies, yet they were sad to see him go. However, they also welcomed President Obama with open arms. Why? Because he's their Commander in Chief.
I hope, through the discourse of events, a discussion comes to the forefront about proper behavior at such events. As Americans, we are pretty tolerant about allowing people their say. Mutual respect is not too much to ask.
I think it's amazing that one of the most powerful positions in the world can change hands without some sort of coup or infighting. Where else can two people with very different ideas about how things should be run exchange the reigns of power with such grace and dignity?
I do think that there needs to be an understanding that whether or not we like the standing or future president, there is something to be said about respecting the office. The military folks who were on hand know better than anyone the sacrifices made for Bush's policies, yet they were sad to see him go. However, they also welcomed President Obama with open arms. Why? Because he's their Commander in Chief.
I hope, through the discourse of events, a discussion comes to the forefront about proper behavior at such events. As Americans, we are pretty tolerant about allowing people their say. Mutual respect is not too much to ask.
Friday, January 16, 2009
To Kill a Mockingbird
Even though our family has been busy with school and extra-curricular activities, I've been able to carve some time out for some reading for fun. Last semester our son, Timothy, had to read To Kill a Mockingbird and I decided to reread it. It has been far too long since I've read a classic novel, and this one is one of my favorites. So as I wait in line to pick up the kids from school, I pull out my little classic novel and read to pass the time.
One of the main reasons I like this novel is because of the way the characters were written. They are so genuine, especially the children. They do things like make up plays, spit on gate hinges to keep them from squeaking and get in playground fights. They also have wonderful names like Jem, Scout and Dill. They do and say impulsive things, just as kids would, and they reap the consequences, too. They hate school yet love learning, and realize the most important learning happens outside the school walls.
But the dialogues are just wonderful, and impart so much wisdom in their simplicities. There's Atticus who tells Scout, "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb in his skin and walk around in it." Or when Atticus tells his kids, "I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do." He lived that one out in front of their eyes, and the eyes of the town.
There's Scout's observation of Miss Maudie's Baptist faith as opposed to foot-washing Baptists. "True enough, Miss Maudie had an acid tongue in her head, and she didn't go around the neighborhood doing good, as did Miss Stephanie Crawford. But while no one with a grain of sense trusted Miss Stephanie, Jem and I had considerable faith in Miss Maudie. She was our friend."
Finally, though, there are wonderful little nuggets like, "They're certainly entitled to think that, and they're entitled to full respect for their opinions... but before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience."
It's such a wonderful book.
One of the main reasons I like this novel is because of the way the characters were written. They are so genuine, especially the children. They do things like make up plays, spit on gate hinges to keep them from squeaking and get in playground fights. They also have wonderful names like Jem, Scout and Dill. They do and say impulsive things, just as kids would, and they reap the consequences, too. They hate school yet love learning, and realize the most important learning happens outside the school walls.
But the dialogues are just wonderful, and impart so much wisdom in their simplicities. There's Atticus who tells Scout, "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...until you climb in his skin and walk around in it." Or when Atticus tells his kids, "I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It's when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do." He lived that one out in front of their eyes, and the eyes of the town.
There's Scout's observation of Miss Maudie's Baptist faith as opposed to foot-washing Baptists. "True enough, Miss Maudie had an acid tongue in her head, and she didn't go around the neighborhood doing good, as did Miss Stephanie Crawford. But while no one with a grain of sense trusted Miss Stephanie, Jem and I had considerable faith in Miss Maudie. She was our friend."
Finally, though, there are wonderful little nuggets like, "They're certainly entitled to think that, and they're entitled to full respect for their opinions... but before I can live with other folks I've got to live with myself. The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule is a person's conscience."
It's such a wonderful book.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
College Days
Facebook has turned out to be such a fun experience. I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Well, most of it. I don't really get into the snowball fights (except with a few relatives) or throwing sheep and all, but the connections it has created has been amazing. Some people I've known since early childhood, some from our days in California. The California people are folks I never thought I would see or hear from again, but here we are, talking on Facebook. There are a couple of high school friends, but not as many as I would like.
Right now, though, I'm having a really good time connecting with people from my college days. We went to a small college in Springfield, Missouri, and after reminiscing over the past few weeks, I'm remembering how much mischief we dealt out, too. Those were fun days, and magical as well, because that's where I met Big Dad. (He actually put my name at the top of the big radio tower on campus. How romantic is that?)
Of course there's going to be mischief when you get a bunch of college age kids living together for a five month stretch. There's not enough homework in the world that can keep that from happening. Cars were moved (and put on walking poor little VW), TPing rooms, flying pumpkins, water fights in the cafeteria (with the Hobart hose) and truth or dare at the fancy Holiday Inn... all are memories I had forgotten until recently.
College life is wonderful. Living on campus was a great experience, and there are lifelong friends to show for it. I highly recommend it.
Right now, though, I'm having a really good time connecting with people from my college days. We went to a small college in Springfield, Missouri, and after reminiscing over the past few weeks, I'm remembering how much mischief we dealt out, too. Those were fun days, and magical as well, because that's where I met Big Dad. (He actually put my name at the top of the big radio tower on campus. How romantic is that?)
Of course there's going to be mischief when you get a bunch of college age kids living together for a five month stretch. There's not enough homework in the world that can keep that from happening. Cars were moved (and put on walking poor little VW), TPing rooms, flying pumpkins, water fights in the cafeteria (with the Hobart hose) and truth or dare at the fancy Holiday Inn... all are memories I had forgotten until recently.
College life is wonderful. Living on campus was a great experience, and there are lifelong friends to show for it. I highly recommend it.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I think today, this is a quality that is fairly elusive to most of us. Americans are a discontented sort, and I think it's part of our character as Americans. Our discontentment becomes a catalyst for change. We become discontented in our education systems, and things change. Our politics + discontentment = change. We tend to be fickle and in many cases that's a good thing.
However, that discontentment has translated itself into our homes, and into our daily lives. It tends to make us impatient and ungrateful.
I've had the joy for the past few years of finding myself content. It's a strange feeling, especially when the world around is striving to succeed, is whirling past in fast motion. The world seems that way when you're in a contented place.
I had a good model for contentment. It was a standout quality in my mamaw. She didn't have a stress-free life by any means. She cared for her ailing mother, and then after a few short years her ailing husband. She had to still take care of their home, tend their garden, mow their three acres, all while caring for her loved ones. But she was content. She was happy exactly where she was. She didn't long for things she didn't have, and she was grateful for the things she had.
That's where I've found myself lately. Not longing for things I don't have, but extremely grateful for the things I have. It's a nice place to be. Maybe all of the money troubles here in the States will cause others to wake up to the same conclusion: they can live with less and be happy. In fact, it could be the thing that gets many of them out of their financial problems. You never know.
However, that discontentment has translated itself into our homes, and into our daily lives. It tends to make us impatient and ungrateful.
I've had the joy for the past few years of finding myself content. It's a strange feeling, especially when the world around is striving to succeed, is whirling past in fast motion. The world seems that way when you're in a contented place.
I had a good model for contentment. It was a standout quality in my mamaw. She didn't have a stress-free life by any means. She cared for her ailing mother, and then after a few short years her ailing husband. She had to still take care of their home, tend their garden, mow their three acres, all while caring for her loved ones. But she was content. She was happy exactly where she was. She didn't long for things she didn't have, and she was grateful for the things she had.
That's where I've found myself lately. Not longing for things I don't have, but extremely grateful for the things I have. It's a nice place to be. Maybe all of the money troubles here in the States will cause others to wake up to the same conclusion: they can live with less and be happy. In fact, it could be the thing that gets many of them out of their financial problems. You never know.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Reminiscing and Space
I'm back in touch with my roommate from college, via Facebook. We are having more fun catching up and talking about our times in college. You see, SHE was a tad mischievous, and I was along for the ride. *cough*
She went out on a date or two with Tim, my future husband. I didn't know that until after I moved in with her. But it was no big deal. She's the kind of friend that tells you everything, is up front and honest, and it was a lot of fun to live with her for three years. A real hoot, that one.
So tonight we were reminiscing on Facebook, talking about the troubles we had gotten in, the mischief, the laughs. When someone is part of your life, and in such a day to day way for that long, it's just fun to recall events. Any of the negative stuff, the stuff that may have gotten under our skin, doesn't come up. We just don't remember that part. All I remember was that we used to give each other space. If we'd been around each other too much, (which could easily happen since we lived together, worked together, went to church together) and we started getting irritated a bit too easily, we would look at each other and say, "Space?" and it was just understood. A few days of doing our own thing, and we were good to go.
But there are stories we share that are just too good, and I think we touched each other's lives in a way that we both know impacted our lives forever. So reminiscing with a friend like that, walking down memory lane, is a blast. It's great to see her successful and doing well in her life. I know she feels the same for us. No ill will, no jealousy or envy. Just wanting the best for each other.
Reminiscing is good for the soul.
She went out on a date or two with Tim, my future husband. I didn't know that until after I moved in with her. But it was no big deal. She's the kind of friend that tells you everything, is up front and honest, and it was a lot of fun to live with her for three years. A real hoot, that one.
So tonight we were reminiscing on Facebook, talking about the troubles we had gotten in, the mischief, the laughs. When someone is part of your life, and in such a day to day way for that long, it's just fun to recall events. Any of the negative stuff, the stuff that may have gotten under our skin, doesn't come up. We just don't remember that part. All I remember was that we used to give each other space. If we'd been around each other too much, (which could easily happen since we lived together, worked together, went to church together) and we started getting irritated a bit too easily, we would look at each other and say, "Space?" and it was just understood. A few days of doing our own thing, and we were good to go.
But there are stories we share that are just too good, and I think we touched each other's lives in a way that we both know impacted our lives forever. So reminiscing with a friend like that, walking down memory lane, is a blast. It's great to see her successful and doing well in her life. I know she feels the same for us. No ill will, no jealousy or envy. Just wanting the best for each other.
Reminiscing is good for the soul.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Taking for Granted
Don't you hate hectic days?
Today was one of those for us. We hurried to get to the doctor's office on time, in an area unfamiliar to us. We got lost twice. In downtown Dallas. I really have no idea how we found our way back to the right road, and with minutes to spare. It was rush, rush, rush, then wait.
We were waiting at an eye doctor's office. I'm saying eye doctor because I really don't know how to spell that "Ophtha" word. It keeps coming up in my spell checker, so I've given up. We waited for quite awhile. Two hours, actually. But it wasn't the office's fault, it was the blasted transformer outside that decided to blow out the electricity of an entire city block. That's OK, though. Sometimes waiting is good. Sometimes it allows us to think.
It's easy to think about our eyesight when waiting in an eye doctor's office. All of those posters up about the eye structures, the complexity of it's a wonder we can see at all. The eye is so very complex, that if any one thing doesn't work properly, you just can't see. period.
A friend of mine and I had a discussion once about what we would rather lose: our sight or our hearing. For me, hands down it was hearing. For her, hands down it was sight. I didn't want to lose my independence, or the ability to see the faces of loved ones. She didn't want to lose the things about life that mattered to her, either. She loved the sound of her loved one's voices, music, the things that kept her plugged in to her surroundings.
Either way, It's hard to think about life without one of these things. We are lucky. Even though we know that our son has lost partial sight in one of his eyes, we're still lucky. He functions normally, and thanks to all of that waiting today, we know that he probably always will. No further damage. He can still play baseball, play with his beloved Legos, and we're thrilled with that. He's been doing it all for a long time, we just never knew.
But it's times like this that makes a parent, or person, stop and be grateful for the things we take for granted. Waiting isn't always a bad thing.
Today was one of those for us. We hurried to get to the doctor's office on time, in an area unfamiliar to us. We got lost twice. In downtown Dallas. I really have no idea how we found our way back to the right road, and with minutes to spare. It was rush, rush, rush, then wait.
We were waiting at an eye doctor's office. I'm saying eye doctor because I really don't know how to spell that "Ophtha" word. It keeps coming up in my spell checker, so I've given up. We waited for quite awhile. Two hours, actually. But it wasn't the office's fault, it was the blasted transformer outside that decided to blow out the electricity of an entire city block. That's OK, though. Sometimes waiting is good. Sometimes it allows us to think.
It's easy to think about our eyesight when waiting in an eye doctor's office. All of those posters up about the eye structures, the complexity of it's a wonder we can see at all. The eye is so very complex, that if any one thing doesn't work properly, you just can't see. period.
A friend of mine and I had a discussion once about what we would rather lose: our sight or our hearing. For me, hands down it was hearing. For her, hands down it was sight. I didn't want to lose my independence, or the ability to see the faces of loved ones. She didn't want to lose the things about life that mattered to her, either. She loved the sound of her loved one's voices, music, the things that kept her plugged in to her surroundings.
Either way, It's hard to think about life without one of these things. We are lucky. Even though we know that our son has lost partial sight in one of his eyes, we're still lucky. He functions normally, and thanks to all of that waiting today, we know that he probably always will. No further damage. He can still play baseball, play with his beloved Legos, and we're thrilled with that. He's been doing it all for a long time, we just never knew.
But it's times like this that makes a parent, or person, stop and be grateful for the things we take for granted. Waiting isn't always a bad thing.
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Happy 2009
The Hughes Family wishes you a happy and blessed 2009. I'm happy to know you all, and for the influence you've had in my life! Blessings to you...
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