Thursday, September 15, 2011

Almost here

So we officially have 6 more days of Summer.  I'm not sad to see this one go.  Earlier this week we had our 80th day of 100-plus degree weather.  At least it broke a record!  If I'm going to go through something like that, I want a record to show for it.

I remember a similar Summer back in the 80's.  But back then I spent a lot of time in the community pool, and ate a lot of peaches. :)  It seemed easier then.  Plus, our air conditioners never went out.

That said, Fall is coming in quite nicely.  Yesterday was 84, and we even had a little rain.  The shadows are starting to change, and that love for all things Fall is waking back up.  I'm ready for everything this season brings.

Happy Fall, Ya'll!

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