My friend and I had a conversation about keys today, and it seemed a blog-worthy conversation. She's finishing out her life here in Taiwan, and is heading to an exciting new adventure to work on her Master's in Scotland. Let me just say, because it has nothing to do with our conversation, that she will be missed. She has the character to leave a place better off than when she came, deserved or not. You have to admire that.
Anyway, about our conversation. She commented that she now has one key to her name, and that is to her house in the states. All other keys have been dispensed: scooter key, apartment key, classroom key, desk key...all are gone. It's a strange feeling, being keyless. I remember when we came overseas the first time. I had a really hard time with being keyless, and it surprised me. It wasn't the keys themselves...they were bulky and bothersome. It's the ownership they represent. The responsibility. So when you are suddenly keyless, there is a sense of letting go. It is transition in it's most basic form, at least for me. It's the moment that hits me: I'm moving on. No key to open the front door of the house. No key to lift the trunk to put groceries in the car. No key to open the classroom door or set up my desk for the day.
Funny how something so small can represent so much. I had about a day of pondering about my keys, then I was given an amazing sense of freedom. Freedom from stuff. It's fun knowing you can do much more when not encumbered by earthly things. Don't get me wrong...things are great. But once you're keyless, you begin to see how much time and energy is spent caring for stuff, and what a small amount of time is spent on the things that matter. In the end, stuff will just be passed around to loved ones. The influence and impressions we leave on our loved ones mean much more.
So this post is for my keyless friend, Sabrina, and her new freedom as she travels abroad. She came, she saw, she transformed, and she moved on.
Wow. I wonder whether I will ever find myself keyless.
When I visited the Philippines I was wearing a key around my neck. It says “Jesus.” It doesn’t fit in any locks, it’s just there to “open a door” to be able to explain that Jesus is THE key.
But yeah, when I think about my home, car, padlock for the shed, front door at the office, etc. That's all eventually going to go away. And how tightly am I gripping on to those things right now? Good stuff to think about.
I don't think I've been keyless since I was a kid. Maybe that's the kind of thing Jesus was talking about when he said, "Unless you become like a little child..."
My kids trust me with the keys to their "kingdom." Would that I could trust God more with the keys to the Kingdom.
Stac, that was a great article. I'm sending it on. Love you lots.
I just love your writing style. Thank you for the thought-filled post.
I had the same feeling recently when I changed jobs. I was down to 4 keys after a high of ten. It was almost exhilarating. (sp?)
Nice story and thoughts. Stuff including these computers is not really necessary to have a fulfilling life.
Take care.
Craver, I like the idea of the necklace. I don't think I've seen that before.
Mark, it's true that you have to be willing to hand your key's over to the Father in those transition times. The stepping out on faith thing is scary and exciting at the same time. I find myself feeling pretty guilty at being astonished at His ability to meet my every need. I've never thought of it as becoming like a child at that time, but you're right. It is.
Mike, it is exciting (I couldn't spell exhilirating, either), isn't it? But, while computers aren't necessary, they sure do make my life much easier! ha! My little iBook is one of the "stuffs" that I can take with me. :)
Mom, Merry Christmas. ;)
I really enjoyed this article today, Stacy. I'll be back to read more.
It's wonderful to be a Child of the King!
My PAD and
Guelph Daily Photo
Another good blog. That must be a freedom very few ever experience. Good job sweetie. Keep it up.
Papa D
Thanks, Dad! When are you going to put up some more stories? You've got some great ones. I think you should do a series just on weddings alone. :)
Love you!
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