Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Did I Mention My Amazing Colleagues?

There are times, at least once a week lately, that I have to stay late at school.  Tonight I got out at 6 pm.  But I would stay that late as many times as necessary if it meant doing what we did today.  Our venture today was the Intervention Leadership Team, which works to find ways to help struggling students.  The thing I love about being on this team is the problem solving part of it.  It's a no holds barred, get your hands dirty problem solving team that works to make kids successful, even if it means personal sacrifice.  I love that.  I love how each and every person on the team is willing to do whatever it takes to help children, no matter what their issue is.

We also get to see classroom teachers at their best.  The things they do to help children is nothing short of miraculous.  I know there's a backlash against public education right now, and against bad teachers.  But those in doubt just need to come visit my school.  I wish what they do could be shown on tv.  It would be a much different conversation about teachers.  Sometimes you just have to give credit where credit is due.

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