Saturday, April 18, 2009

Hidden Treasures

I've never been comfortable with the spotlight. And I've never been comfortable around people who seek the spotlight. I'm one who is content to work on the fringes and in the background, and being around someone in the spotlight means a risk of that light shining on me. Plus, there are those who crave the spotlight for selfish gain, and I've known a few. Call me untrusting, but my default mode of operation when dealing with someone like that is to watch for selfish motives.

But in the case of Paul Potts, George Sampson and Susan Boyle, there's a difference. It seems these ordinary, unassuming folks who do things like manage cell phone stores, go to jr. high school, or take care of their mom and sing at local karaoke bars for fun, don't seek the spotlight. True, they tried out for Britain's Got Talent, a national talent search shown in England, but in each case, you hear of the urging of family and co-workers, who know of their talents and want to let the world see what they see. They each also took solace in their talents. It helped them through hard times. Paul Potts was bullied at school, but would sing to get through the pain of it all. George Sampson loved dancing, even though none of his friends did. A very scary thing for an adolescent. And Susan Boyle didn't even attempt to sing in such a forum until after she had taken care of her sick mother after so many years. In each case, going on the talent show was actually an act of courage!

It so reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite children's books, Hind's Feet in High Places:
"Nothing My Father and I have made is ever wasted," He said quietly, "and the wild flowers have a wonderful lesson to teach. Many people live a quiet, ordinary life. Hardly anyone even knows about them, but inside their hearts it is like a delightful garden where the King Himself walks and rejoices. Some of My servants have won great respect from other people and are famous, but always their greatest victories are like the wild flowers, those which no one knows about. Learn this lesson now, down here in the Valley, Much-Afraid, and when you get to the steep places of the mountains it will comfort you." - The Shepherd, Hind's Feet on High Places

I think these three have learned this lesson in their valleys, and now they're on the mountain tops. I believe it comforts us all.

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