Thursday, September 30, 2010

Remembering the Days

I was looking at some pictures of my kids hanging on the wall.  Adorable pictures I changed to black and white.  They were at the park, and I managed to get them all together, looking at the camera.  I wanted to remember their faces just as they were.

And I did.  And still do.

And I miss them!  Those little child faces that look up at you.  The chubby cheeks, little hands that explore and experience new things.

I love them now, and I'm truly impressed with the people they're becoming,

but there was Bubs who used to put earphones on and sing at the top of his lungs, and climb on anything and everything.  Or Timo with his quiet observation and stubborn strong-willed grunts and that haunting wail when he realized that Charlotte died in the Charlotte's Web movie.  San and his crazy faces and mixed languages, getting so frustrated when others couldn't understand him.  Then there's Em and her firstbornness...all the mistakes that we made with her, but enjoyed all the firsts as well...those little eyes peeking up out of the cradle Papa made, hearing it rock on the wood floor, letting us know she was awake.

Don't get me wrong...I wouldn't go back again: to the doctor's appointments and shots, bottles, carrying tons of stuff everywhere I went.

But I miss those little people.

I'm glad I took the pictures.

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