Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Cat is Out of the Bag

Well, I know I've been silent lately, but it's not because of a lack of extra-curricular activities. I've had my hands full lately, and not just with getting Em in college and heading back to the states for awhile. I guess the video below speaks for itself...


Saturday, July 12, 2008

Operation Share-a-Square complete!

A year ago, I began reading Shelly Tucker's blog. She a professional story teller AND from the great ol' state of Texas, a combination that's hard to beat.

A short time after I began to read her blog, she made an appeal to her readers. Seems there's a camp called Camp Sanguinity, and it's a camp for kids with cancer, and they were in need of blankets. Each new camper receives a blanket, and this year, Shelly decided to take on the challenge of making sure they each got one. But she didn't just see the task as providing blankets. She saw the task as a labor of love, one to let the kids know how much others are thinking of them and rooting for them. I guess you could say Shelly got me "hooked."

Her idea? To collect small, crocheted panels from all over the world and piece them together to form 140 blankets. Each panel would have a tag from the person who made it, so the child would know who was thinking and praying for them. Operation Share-a-Square had begun. I sent off a few panels, to be added to the MULTITUDE of panels Shelly collected.

Well, last week, the project ended, and Shelly delivered the blankets. I can't tell it the way she does, so you need to click this link and see for yourself.

This truly has been a labor of love. (I want to emphasize labor, so that you will go through Shelly's archives to watch the progression of the challenge!) Shelly had a vision to not only help out, but to show a little (lotta!) love along the way.

You did it Shelly, you and all of those who contributed. Thanks for being the inspiration for such a great event!